Operational Offices

The Client will be assisted by the SMG office in London
SMG has the following offices, where the management Personnel and most of the Linguistic Personnel operate.

United Kingdom

SMG UK Translations Ltd.

London, Greater London, EC4A 2AB UK
Tel. +44 (20) 80894870

In 2012, SMG founded its British subsidiary SMG UK Translations Limited with the purpose of employing native English speaking translators in the United Kingdom and improving the quality of translations into English. Today, the office hosts both Linguistic and Management Personnel and is the reference point for all linguists employed by SMG in the United Kingdom.


Studio Interpreti Milano

Via Broletto 46, 20121 Milan
Tel. +39 02 4801 8252


Studio Moretto Group Srl

Via Cefalonia 70, 25124 Brescia
Tel. +39 0302452916

Established in 2007, it is the parent company of SMG, with owned headquarters at the Crystal Palace in Brescia (400 m2) and a secondary office at Sant’ Eufemia in Brescia (600 m2).


Studio Moretto Group, Srl Sucursal en España

Calle de Ferraz 2, 28008 Madrid.
Tel. +34 911 85 96 96

Having been awarded linguistic service contracts for some of the most prestigious Spanish authorities, SMG has confirmed its local commitment by establishing a branch in 2016 and opening an office in Madrid, which today hosts both Linguistic and Management Personnel.


Latin American Office

Carrera 77AA # 47-52 Sector Velodromo, Medellin
Tel: +57 45811182

SMG’s presence in South America dates back to 2012, when it opened the Lima office within a translation project sponsored by the Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae, followed by the opening of the Medellin office, dedicated to the management of linguistic services mainly intended for public and UN tenders.

Work with us

SMG UK offers internship programmes in translation and translation management to universities and individuals: submit your application!

Learn more